Meet Carl Lewis, Part 3

Carl Lewis makes sure everything works when he built the grist mill at Stockmar Park.

Meet Carl Lewis, Part 1

Meet Carl Lewis, Part 2

Meet Carl Lewis, Part 3

This is Part 3 of a newspaper article from 2008, partially quoted, about the history of Carl Lewis at Stockmar Park.  

Notice if you will, the following words of praise are from Jeff Reese who in 2008 was the Parks and Recreation Director. Mr. Reese is presently (2019) the Mayor Of Villa Rica Georgia.

CONTINUED FROM PART 2. Villa Rica Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Reese (now the Mayor of Villa Rica) gives all of the credit for saving the historic property for poster­ity to Lewis.

“Carl pretty much single-handedly saved that 28 acres from being developed into subdi­visions,” Reese said in 2008. “That’s his forever and always. No matter where we go with that project, he’s the one who kept it from being gone. Because of his love for that, he brings a lot to the table that I couldn’t get out of any other employee. That’s not a job for him, it’s his passion.”

It can be argued that Lewis is the foremost expert on the area and its past mining operations and he has used his expertise and construction background to build many of the attractions there for the city, including the gold-panning shed, the grist mill pond, the vintage stamp mill and portions of the museum itself.

“He really is an invaluable asset to me trying to get the museum up and going,” Reese said. “I can build the infra­structure, but having somebody with a passion for the prop­erty, the history of the site and Villa Rica, and gold mining in general, is something you nor­mally wouldn’t have. I really do think Carl is in his own world up there and sometimes in his mind, he goes 100 years back and becomes what we call ‘Uncle Abe.’ I think he goes into costume and loves that other life.”

I have the entire article in PDF form for anyone wishing to read it in its entirety. Thanks for following along with this story and please comment and share!!!

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